Sunday, June 7, 2009

Staff appreciation event

Hello runners,

I would like to send a big thank you to Haymkr06 and various other runners here. Today a few staff members were invited to a small mysterious party hosted by Haymkr06. And this turned out to be a Staff Appreciation Event, with a great speech from Haymkr06, a big, with logs written, THX and lots of other kind acts.

Thank you guys, this was really appreciated <3

This was Haymkr06's speech:
"This started out as a way to pay the staff back, for everything they do for us runners, but ended in epic phail with me saying this lousy speach. The staff do too many things for us, and we give them bubcas, so this is my way and many other's here way of saying thanks, anyways, thanks for comming even though it failed."

It surely did not fail, thank you <3

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