Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In remembrance...

Dear fellow team mates,

I am afraid I have sad news that I wish to impart to all of you regarding our fellow friend Warlockman33. Locky passed away in the hospital on May 21, 2009 at 8:37 pm and we have had a message relayed to us from one of his family members. As many of you may have or not have known, Locky has had a severe heart condition for a good portion of his life. It was because of this condition that he had to leave the team for treatment and to live the rest of his days to the fullest. He was always cheerful, even the times he got on to visit he was cheerful even though he had this condition.

Locky was a great team mate and friend, we could not have asked for a more loyal and loving team mate.

Out of respect for him and his family we have decided to close the Clan Chat for the evening and hope everyone could please take a moment to remember our beloved Locky.

We will never forget about you Locky and you will forever be in our hearts <3.


Warlockman33 was a Team Mod in W46AAAT since December 10 2007