Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's raining ranks!

Hey everyone!

Following up last weeks promotion of Hyorina to Team Mod, we now got three brand new ranks for you!

To kick off, Mr Greeen has been promoted to Team Mod. He's a great runners, and a very helpful person. We're pretty sure he'll make a good addition to our crew. :)

We also have two new Team Helpers being ranked. S Tulip got his shiny bronze star for being a stable and supportive long time runners. We believe he'll be a great helper.

And, last but certainly not least, Kaceypu has been promoted to Team Helper. He's currently working for 99 Agility, but he has been a common sight in our chat over the past few months. Those two facts combined made us decide to promote him to Team Helper. Make sure you poke him often. ;)

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